Hi, I'm Greg! Inspired by Amelia Wattenberger's talk at the AI Engineers Summit, particularly about the Ladder of Abstraction. I'm exploring ways to make text easier to understand and faster to read, starting with AI research papers (plus one timely piece of news).

  1. Faster: "Zooming" into parts that sound interesting, by reading summaries of each part
  2. Easier: Rewriting the text to make it easier to read (at various levels of complexity). Plus popup summaries for each paragraph (also at various levels of complexity).

OpenAI Developer Day Keynote

  1. Change complexity of text
  2. Zoom into details

President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

  1. Change complexity of text, using a slider
    Change complexity of text, using buttons
    Which one seems more intuitive to you?
  2. Zoom into details

RLAIF: Scaling Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback with AI Feedback

  1. Change complexity of text
  2. Zoom into details

GPT4 Vision

  1. Change complexity of text
  2. Zoom into details
Please please give me feedback!